“Mumbling and prattling the many names of the Lord …
while onlookers say, “They’re crazy!”
entering or not entering cities
standing still or swaying
before a laughing world
they dance, they leap
undone by feeling
And the gods bow down
before them.”
[ A Poetic Translation of a song by Sri Namalwar –
one of the twelve Alvar saints of South India, who are known for their affiliation to the Vaishnava tradition. ]
[ From Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu issue 464 ]
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”
— Nietzsche
Склоняюсь пред Тобой
^ ЛЮБОВЬ К БОГУ, +Ванданам, ~Шримати РадхараниЦаревна знаний из трех Вед, царевна доказательств и всего познанья,
Царица главной из богинь удачи *, царица Кшамы **, царевна леса счастья Вриндавана,
Царевна Враджа, повелительница Враджа, Шри Радхика, – склоняюсь пред Тобой.
* Лакшми
** Бху, всепрощенье (подробности по ссылке https://traveling-monk.appspot.com/radha-kripa-kataksha-stava-raja/ – прим. перев.)
Шриман Шрутакирти Дас о Шриле Прабхупаде
.. Шриман Шрутакирти Дас, *А.С.Бхактиведанта Свами ПрабхупадаIt wasn’t Krishna Kanti coming in and recording bhajans, Prabhupada was just doing bhajan. Whenever I heard that, I would run into the room and I would offer obeisances; and as soon as I would sit up, Prabhupada would give me the nod, “Get the kartals,” and I would play kartals and Prabhupada would play the harmonium and he would just chant. It’s one reason I stayed with Prabhupada as long as I did, because I found being with Prabhupada was very peaceful for most of the time. And it was amazing because, as we know, Prabhupada was doing everything, he was running everything, the entire society, the BBT, taking care of so much mail every day, doing the classes, the morning walk, instructing devotees.
But somehow or other it seemed like there were hours where Prabhupada was just alone, and he was a devotee of Krishna and he was very sweet. He was doing everything he was asking us to do, just develop our love of Krishna by chanting and hearing and so many times reading his books. He would walk around and chant in his room; and he would just chant on his beads, walk around, and sometimes he would jiggle his bead bag, you could hear the beads in his bead bag. But there was just this peacefulness that was amazing because of everything that he was doing. But as soon as the door closed, that was all gone. It was just Krishna there with him, and Prabhupada was always happy. Even someone like me could pick up on some of that and just feel so peaceful to be with Prabhupada. It’s like you didn’t want to be anywhere else at those times.”