Entries by Raja-kumari dasi


You have got a short duration of life / Жизнь коротка

“Instead of contemplating what will happen to this world, you have got a short duration of life, say fifty, sixty years. You chant Hare Krsna and go back to home, back to Godhead. Don’t consider what will happen to this world. Nature will take care of it. You don’t puzzle your brain with these thoughts. […]


“The next incarnation is Varaha, who appeared in the form of a boar or hog. He delivered this earthly planet by His tusks, and kept the whole world on His tusks. We can only just imagine how big He appeared! The world at that time appeared just like the moon disc decorated with some marks. […]

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At the house of Advaita Acarya / В доме Адвайты Ачарйи

На карттику в доме Адвайты Ачарйи в Шантипуре получил невообразимую милость. Пуджари по своей доброте поместил мне на голову священную шалаграма-шилу, которой Адвайта Ачарйа поклонялся 500 лет тому назад, призывая Господа явиться.     During Kartika, in Santipur, at the house of Advaita Acarya, I received unimaginable mercy. The pujari kindly placed the sacred salagram-sila […]


Подношение на день ухода Шрилы Прабхупады 2018

Дорогой Шрила Прабхупада, пожалуйста, примите мои смиренные поклоны. Вся слава вам. Как всегда, день этот для меня и сладок, и горек. Понимание, что вы отправились домой в духовный мир – единственное, что утешает боль утраты. Конечно, наша печальная потеря стала великолепным приобретением для многих обитателей духовного мира. Можно себе представить радостный праздник, устроенный по поводу […]

The Most Sacred Bath

Фотоальбом At the most sacred place in the universe, Radha Kunda, we heard many amazing pastimes about Radha and Krsna. Greatly inspired we then had had kirtan with Bada Haridas and then did parikrama around both Radha Kunda and Syama kunda. It is said that one who bathes in Radha Kunda achieves the same love […]

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The Desire Trees of Vrindavan / Деревья желаний Вриндавана

Дорогие ученики, больше часа катхи о Калпа-врикшах, деревьях желаний Вриндавана! Dear disciples: This is a very interesting lecture on the glories of the Kalpa Vriksa trees in Vrindavan. Over an hour of katha about Desire Trees! Varsana is the sacred home of Srimati Radharani where she lived with her parents during the early years of […]


Visit to Durvasa Munis’ ashram / Визит в ашрам Дурвасы Муни

Фотоальбом As a part of our Kartik parikrama, we took a beautiful boat ride on the Yamuna to Durvasa Munis’ ashram in Pani Gaon in Vraja. It was a wonderful ashram with a scenic surrounding where Durvasa Muni had performed austerities. Some nice sadhus live there and we absorbed ourselves in amazing kirtan and discussing […]



Фотоальбом на FB Krsna transferred from the prison in Mathura to Gokul overnight. His childhood pastimes there are the delight of every Vrajavasi. We spent a wonderful day in Gokul singing Krsna’s praises, observing the delightful cows in the pastures and tasting delicious milk-sweets offered to the Lord.