Entries by Raja-kumari dasi

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For All Book Distributors – Past, Present and Future / Для всех распространителей книг нашего времени, прошлого и будущего

Адаптировано по «Шри Бхакти-ратнакаре» Шрилы Нарахари Чакраварти Тхакура   После длительного обучения во Вриндаване под руководством Шрилы Дживы Госвами в общении со многими возвышенными спутниками Шри Чайтаньи Махапрабху, Шриле Шринивасу Ачарье и его дорогим друзьям Шьямананде Прабху и Нароттаму Дасу Тхакуру было приказано покинуть Врадж, чтобы проповедовать и распространять труды шестерых Госвами. Ниже приводится описание […]


Радхика, даруя праздник служения Себе

“Даруя праздник вечного служения Себе, Шри Радхика – прекрасная царевна беседок Вриндавана – делает все духовные цели и практики незначительными. Так Она наводняет мир вестями о Своей нектарной красоте, и лик Ее сияет, будто неисчислимые осенние луны”. [ Шрила Прабодхананда Сарасвати, “Шри Радха-раса-шудханидхи”, стих 62 ]   “Sri Radhika, the lovely queen of Vrindavan’s bower […]


Anuraga-vali – The Vine of Love
 / Анурага-вали – “Лоза любви”

1. O Lord, 
please give me millions of bodies and millions of mouths in each body. By your mercy place millions of tongues in each mouth. O Lord, may Your millions of transcendental qualities dance on those tongues! 2. What is the use of a soul that does not have millions of bodies? What is […]


Искать нектара лучших качеств

  Our Festival of India in Poland will begin towards the end of June and continue until August 20. It will be our 27th year of hosting large festivals along the Baltic Sea coast. All glories to those devotees who spend their summers with us, giving their lives and souls to spreading the glories of […]


The Sacred Village of Srikhanda / Святые места: деревня Шрикханда

Фотоальбом на FB    The village of Srikhanda, a 3-hour scenic drive from Sridham Mayapura, is mentioned many times in Caitanya Caritamrta. Yesterday we spent 5 hours exploring the village where a number of Lord Caitanya’s personal associates resided 500 years ago. We had kirtan and katha at the exact place where Locan das Thakur […]


Christmas In Jaipur

https://www.facebook.com/indradyumna/media_set?set=a.10210832247545203.1073742780.1321748113&type=3 We spent Christmas in Jaipur visiting various temples of the Lord. It seemed a fitting way to respect such a day which is so dear to our Christian brothers and sisters. We were particularly touched to see the mood of devotion in the eyes of of the residents of Jaipur as they took darshan […]

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Beautiful Kamyavan

https://www.facebook.com/indradyumna/media_set?set=a.10210819428184727.1073742779.1321748113&type=3 Today we went on parikrama to Kamyavan. Kamyavan is fourth among the twelve forests of Vraja-mandala. The word kamya means “extremely beautiful”, “well adorned” or “highly attractive”. Many pleasant lakes, wells, ponds, trees, creepers, flowers, fruits and species of birds contribute to the beauty of this place. Krishna performed many of His childhood pastimes […]