Entries by Raja-kumari dasi


The Sacred Village of Srikhanda / Святые места: деревня Шрикханда

Фотоальбом на FB    The village of Srikhanda, a 3-hour scenic drive from Sridham Mayapura, is mentioned many times in Caitanya Caritamrta. Yesterday we spent 5 hours exploring the village where a number of Lord Caitanya’s personal associates resided 500 years ago. We had kirtan and katha at the exact place where Locan das Thakur […]


Christmas In Jaipur

https://www.facebook.com/indradyumna/media_set?set=a.10210832247545203.1073742780.1321748113&type=3 We spent Christmas in Jaipur visiting various temples of the Lord. It seemed a fitting way to respect such a day which is so dear to our Christian brothers and sisters. We were particularly touched to see the mood of devotion in the eyes of of the residents of Jaipur as they took darshan […]

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Beautiful Kamyavan

https://www.facebook.com/indradyumna/media_set?set=a.10210819428184727.1073742779.1321748113&type=3 Today we went on parikrama to Kamyavan. Kamyavan is fourth among the twelve forests of Vraja-mandala. The word kamya means “extremely beautiful”, “well adorned” or “highly attractive”. Many pleasant lakes, wells, ponds, trees, creepers, flowers, fruits and species of birds contribute to the beauty of this place. Krishna performed many of His childhood pastimes […]

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In Bandiravan

https://www.facebook.com/indradyumna/posts/10210816122662091 Yesterday on our parikrama with Sri Prahlada dasa we met Jaya Rama das, a well-known and respected sadhu residing in Bandiravan, one the 12 forests of Vrindavan. When we offered our respects to him he smiled and kindly said: “What your Srila Prabhupada has done for the whole world all the saints in India […]


The Mystical Forest

https://www.facebook.com/indradyumna/media_set?set=a.10210808633474866.1073742778.1321748113&type=3 Yesterday I took Sri Prahlada, who is visiting Vrindavan, to the Mystical Forest. Not far from Varsana is a forest of 5,000 year-old trees. Local Vrajavasi tradition says that the trees were planted by Srimati Radharani and Her girlfriends as a place of pastimes for Herself and Krsna. They are described as kalpa-vriksa trees […]



https://www.facebook.com/indradyumna/media_set?set=a.10210801616779453.1073742777.1321748113&type=3 Yesterday my good friend Sri Prahlada arrived in Vrindavan. To enter into the mood of Vraja we decided to first do Govardhan parikrama. We began on the ‘outer’ 40-kilometer parikrama road, the path used by Srila Sanatana Goswami 500 years ago. We first visited Chandra-sarovara, a beautiful holy site, where the gopis spoke the […]

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Strolling Through Vrindavan / Бродя по Вриндавану

Фотоальбом на FB I arrived back home in Sri Vrindavan dhama yesterday. This afternoon I strolled through the town of Vrindavan proper, visiting old friends and making new ones. The sights, sounds and colors of Vrindavan all helped to remind me of my good fortune to once again be present in Lord Krsna’s eternal playground. […]

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  Два дня тому назад я уехал из Вриндавана на недолгий проповеднический тур в Австралии, который завершится на следующей неделе свадьбой одних моих учеников. Чуть погодя поеду в Южную Африку на большой фестиваль в Дурбане. Я счастлив делиться милостью, которую получил за эти два месяца во Врадже. Меня очень вдохновляют слова Шрилы Бхактисиддханты Сарасвати: «Удача […]