An Invitation to Chant Harinama by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

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“Why did I, the most unfortunate fallen soul, not take birth at the time when Sri Gaurachandra inundated the entire world, including the highest mountains, with the flood of love of God? Therefore I was unable to relish those waves of love of God! “Why did I not take birth at that time to serve […]



Занятия преданных / Activities of Devotees

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“In the midst of the age of quarrel, devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu hear songs glorifying the bonefide spirtual master. With much enthusiasm they sing the maha mantra of Lord Hari’s names. They adore their spiritual masters and all saintly devotees of the Lord.”
[ Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Sri-Susloka-sloka-satakam, sloka 81 ]


“В самый разгар века раздоров бхакты Чайтаньи слушают песни во славу их гуру.

Полные счастья, поют маха-мантру имен Шри Хари.

Так почитают они своих гуру, а также иных – всех святых преданных Богу”.

[ Шрила Сарвабхаума Бхаттачарья, “Шри-сушлока-шатакам”, шлока 81 ]

Воспевание из самого сердца / Heart Deep Japa

“Джапа должна идти из глубин сердца, а не просто сходить с губ, как нечто механическое;
другими словами, наша цель – это воспевание из самого сердца”.


[ Шрила Бхактисиддханта Сарасвати Тхакур ]

“Japa must be heart deep and not only with the lips like something mechanical –

in other words, chanting with the heart is our goal.”

[ Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura ]

Из “Гопала-пурва-чампу”


«То новая луна или сиянье Ее формы?»

«То лотос золотой или сиянье Ее лика?»

«То Ее очи или две чакоры?»

«То Ее взгляд или волна нектара?»

Не надо задавать о Радхе подобные вопросы,

Ее красота превыше всех, любых красот –

Как можно помыслить их сравнить.

[ Шрила Джива Госвами, “Гопала-пурва-чампу”, 15-ая Пурана ]

[ рисунок Шримати Радхарани, поклоняющейся Сурье, богу Солнца ]



“Is it a new moon or Her brilliant form? Is it a golden
lotus or Her brilliant face? Are these Her two eyes or
are they two cakora birds? Is this Her glance or is it a
wave of nectar?” Such questions cannot be asked about
Sri Radha. Her beauty exceeds that of any beautiful
object, so how can any such comparison be considered?

[ Srila Jiva Goswami, Gopala-purva-campu,15th Purana ]

Октябрь-ноябрь 2014

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“O friend, by great good fortune you have attained this body where you have heard Vrndavana’s wonderful glories and learned that everything in this world is like a dream. Don’t, don’t, don’t put any faith in the mind and body. Run to Vrndavana!” [ Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati, Sataka One, Text 80 ] 9 окт 2014


“Is it a new moon or Her brilliant form? Is it a golden lotus or Her brilliant face? Are these Her two eyes or are they two cakora birds? Is this Her glance or is it a wave of nectar?” Such questions cannot be asked about Sri Radha. Her beauty exceeds that of any beautiful […] 3 ноя 2014


“By serving you constantly, one is freed from all material desires and becomes completely pacified. When will I become your permanent, eternal servant and always feel joy to have such a fitting master?” Yamunacarya, Stotraratna, text 43, 18 ноя 2014


“Here our Lord herded the calves, and here He played the flute. I pray that I may pass my days shedding tears as I speak these words on the Yamuna’s shore.” [Sri Raghupati Upadhyaya, from Rupa Goswami’s Padyavali ].4 дек 2014

Август-сентябрь 2014

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“The devotee should make it a regular practice to spend a little time alone in a quiet place and concentrate deeply on the holy name. He should utter and hear the name distinctly. It is impossible for the jiva to singlehandedly avoid and overcome the illusion of distraction. By the mercy of the Lord, however, […]
25 авг 2014


“I offer my obeisances unto the shoes of those devotees who are expert in extricating those sunk in the rotten muck in the bottom of the ocean of material existence, and who become blissful by hearing the pair of syllables, ‘Krsna’, impelled to dance with all their hairs bristling.” [ A verse by an Utkala […]31 авг 2014

Апрель-июль 2014


“From the time that the name of Hari became manifest on the earth, Vaisnava folk were seen everywhere, adorned with faultless tiloka, neckbeads and equipped with the maha-mantra. In the midst of Kali Yuga they purified the atmosphere chanting, ‘Hari! Hari!’ So indeed it came to pass.” [ Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Susloka-satakam ] 13 апр 2014


“Out of Lord Caitanya’s spontaneous compassion, He restored the people back to consciousness and through the means of His holy names enabled them to pass beyond the impassable ocean of the age of quarrel. Thus by the golden moons of Lord Hari and the Vaisnavas the news of the names of Krsna was told from […]
11 апр 2014


“The mlecchas who are born from mixed countries ruled by descendants of Kasyapa (demons) and the sudras will become brahmanas by initiation. They will wear sikhas and brahmana threads and will be well versed in the uncontaminated fruit of the Vedas ( Srimad Bhagavatam ). They will worship Me by the yajna prescribed by the […]
15 июн 2014


“I surrender to merciful Śrī Caitanya, astonishing in His activities, who revived the world covered with ignorance and made it mad with the abundant nectar of His prema.” [ Govinda Lilamrta, Chapter One, Text Two ]
18 июн 2014

“У стоп всех вайшнавов предлагаю смиренно поклоны…”

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Завтра мы с Бада Харидасом отправимся на три дня в Шридхам Майапур. С нетерпением ждем воспевания и танцев в обществе дорогих преданных Господа Чайтанйи в Шри Майапур Чандродайа Мандире. Прежде чем войти в дхаму, предлагаем тем преданным наши смиреннейшие поклоны и молим об их милости.
«Вся слава сыну Шри Шачидеви – луне Навадвипы, Шри Навадвипа-чандре.

Вся слава Шри Нитьянанде, странствующему как нищий.

Вся слава величайшему Шри Адвайте Прабху.

Вся слава Гададхаре и Шривасу Пандиту.

Вся слава сути всех святых мест, Шри Навадвипе.

Вся слава жителям ее – спутникам Шри Чайтанйи.

У стоп всех вайшнавов предлагаю смиренно поклоны».
[ Шрила Бхактивинод Тхакур, “Шри Навадвипа-дхама-махатмйа”, глава 1, стих 1 ]

The Residents of Radha-kunda

“Even if I have the opportunity to bath in the ocean of pure love of Krsna, and even if I have the pure devotees of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead as my associates, I will not consent to live for even for a single moment in any sacred place other than Vrajabhumi. Even if […]



Кришна о Своих преданных

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“Арджуна, поющие Мои святые имена и танцующие передо Мной подкупают Меня ценой своей преданности.
Говорю тебе: те, у кого льются слезы при воспевании Моих имен, поистине, купили Меня своей любовью”.

(Ади Пурана, цитируется в 446-7 стихах 11 главы “Хари-бхакти-виласы”)

(дату уточн.)