Entries by Raja-kumari dasi

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Sacred Sound Festival, New Govardhan, Australia / Фестиваль “Святой звук”, Нью Говардхан, Австралия

Facebook “By chanting the holy name of the Supreme Lord, one comes to the stage of love of Godhead. Then the devotee is fixed in his vow as an eternal servant of the Lord, and he gradually becomes very much attached to a particular name and form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As his […]

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Love Means To Give More Than You Take / Любовь означает отдавать больше, чем получать

Дорогие Джигнеш и Кайшори Синдху даси, Пожалуйста, примите мои благословения. Вся слава Шриле Прабхупаде. Меня, как одного из старших гостей на вашей долгожданной свадебной церемонии – благословенной виваха-ягье – попросили выступить с речью. На днях на устроенной для вас программе с киртаном я посоветовал, чтобы главным выступающим был мой досточтимый духовный брат Баха Харидас Прабху, […]

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Family United / Дружная семья

Фотоальбом на Facebook Ananta Vrindavan’s das’ “best of the best” photos of Jeegnesh and Kaishori Sindhu dasi’s wedding in Brisbane, Australia yesterday. Jeegnesh and Kaishori Sindhu will be leaving soon to Crawley, England to assist with our movement there. I have no doubt their combined efforts will bring the preaching to new levels. Please everyone […]


Back In Australia / Возвращение в Австралию

Фотоальбом на Facebook Yesterday, in a beach town on the Gold Coast just north of Brisbane, we had a wonderful kirtan program leading up to the marriage ceremony of my disciples Bhakta Jiggy and Kaishori Sindhu dasi, which takes place this Sunday. Bada Haridas, Sri Prahlada and myself chanted for over 3 hours. The devotees, […]

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The Ancestral Home Of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur / Фамильный дом Шрилы Бхактивиноды Тхакура

https://www.facebook.com/indradyumna/media_set?set=a.10208743373044646.1073742643.1321748113&type=3   Several days ago we visited the ancestral home of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur in Choti, Orissa. We are continuing the efforts of Fakir Mohan prabhu, a friend of ISKCON, to acquire the original land that Bhaktivinode Thakur resided on there for many years. We hope to build a small temple on the property to […]

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“The Spotless Moon of Nadia” / “Безупречная луна Надии”

Приготовляя ум и сердце к Гаура-пурниме https://scontent-ams2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/17239939_10208609538658870_5607399219573234567_o.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=0Ftq5UHw3kMQ7kNvgEtEmcN&_nc_ht=scontent-ams2-1.xx&oh=00_AYADv68W_M3wgiCBPnSBEqkI6NYL5sxeCtj7o4HLFCOSAw&oe=667D1EF3 [ на старинном фото: настоящие деревянные сандалии, сосуд для воды и дхоти Господа Чайтаньи в храме Гамбхира в Джаганнатха Пури ] Preparing My Mind and Heart for Gaura Purnima Verse 1: “Seeing that the spotless full moon has risen on the earth in the home of Sachi, the […]

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Sri Chaitanya-Kavacha / Шри Чайтанья-кавача

After almost 2 months of medical procedures here in South Africa I am leaving for Vrindavan tomorrow. From Vrindavan I will again assume my preaching responsibilities around the world. I pray for the protection of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to carry out my duties! После почти 2-х месяцев медицинских процедур в Южной Африке завтра уезжаю во […]


A letter of appreciation to the devotees of the Christchurch temple / Признательность преданным из Новозеландского храма

A letter of appreciation to the devotees of the Christchurch temple in New Zealand on the occasion of the inauguration of their new temple. Their original temple was destroyed in an earthquake in 2011. Dear Devotees of the Christchurch yatra, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to the presiding […]


Guidelines for Cow Protection from the Mahabharata / О защите коров в Махабхарате

1. Никогда нельзя пинать коров: делающий это будет страдать в аду сотни жизней. Коровы – обитель всего благоприятного и потому достойны поклонения. 2. Они никогда не должны подвергаться резким ударам стрекала или кнута. 3. Нельзя толкаться среди коров. 4. Когда коровы пасутся или лежат, никто не должен их беспокоить. 5. Когда коровы жаждут пить, но […]


On the disappearance day of Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji

An enlightening discourse by Giriraj Swami on the disappearance day celebration of Srila Jagannatha dasa babaji: “Today is Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaja’s disappearance day. He comes in the Gaudiya Vaishnava disciplic succession after Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura and Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana. He was a renounced ascetic, fully engaged in chanting the holy names of […]