Entries by Raja-kumari dasi

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На берегу океана любви / In the Shore of the Ocean of Love

“O friend of the world! O Ocean of love! The populace has become full of deceit and bereft of knowledge. O my master! Kindly give them shelter at Your lotus feet, for the holy name, uplifter of the fallen, has become manifest from You.” [ Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Susloka Satakam, verse 21 ]     “О […]

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An Invitation to Chant Harinama by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

“Why did I, the most unfortunate fallen soul, not take birth at the time when Sri Gaurachandra inundated the entire world, including the highest mountains, with the flood of love of God? Therefore I was unable to relish those waves of love of God! “Why did I not take birth at that time to serve […]

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Занятия преданных / Activities of Devotees

“In the midst of the age of quarrel, devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu hear songs glorifying the bonefide spirtual master. With much enthusiasm they sing the maha mantra of Lord Hari’s names. They adore their spiritual masters and all saintly devotees of the Lord.” [ Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Sri-Susloka-sloka-satakam, sloka 81 ]   “В самый […]


Воспевание из самого сердца / Heart Deep Japa

“Джапа должна идти из глубин сердца, а не просто сходить с губ, как нечто механическое; другими словами, наша цель – это воспевание из самого сердца”.   [ Шрила Бхактисиддханта Сарасвати Тхакур ] “Japa must be heart deep and not only with the lips like something mechanical – in other words, chanting with the heart is […]


Клятва Рамачандры / The Vow

“Вот мой обет: лишь только кто-нибудь однажды всерьез предается Мне, говоря: “Мой дорогой Господь, с этого дня я – Твой” и молит о бесстрашии, Я в тот же миг дарю ему бесстрашье, и с этих самых пор он в безопасности”. [ Lord Ramacandra, Ramayana, Yuddha-kanda 18.33 ] ” It is My vow that if one […]

Апрель- июль 2015

“I am overjoyed to hear that your enthusiasm for chanting is increasing. As our contaminations are removed by chanting, the Lord’s form, qualities, and pastimes will be revealed to us in the holy name. There is no point in making a separate effort to artificially remember the Lord’s form, qualities, and pastimes. The Lord and […]

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Декабрь 2014 – март 2015

“My dear Lord. O Supreme Personality of Godhead, because of my association with material desires, one after another, I was gradually falling into a blind well full of snakes, following the general populace. But your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my […]


Из “Гопала-пурва-чампу”

«То новая луна или сиянье Ее формы?» «То лотос золотой или сиянье Ее лика?» «То Ее очи или две чакоры?» «То Ее взгляд или волна нектара?» Не надо задавать о Радхе подобные вопросы, Ее красота превыше всех, любых красот – Как можно помыслить их сравнить. [ Шрила Джива Госвами, “Гопала-пурва-чампу”, 15-ая Пурана ] [ рисунок […]