Дом, где родился Шрила Бхактисиддханта Сарасвати Тхакур

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Драгоценная фотография комнаты

в доме Шрилы Бхактивинода Тхакура на Гранд-роуд в Джаганнатха Пури,

где в этот мир явился Шрила Бхактисиддханта Сарасвати.

[ любезно предоставлено Е.C. Бхагават Махараджем ]


A precious photo of the room in Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur’s house on Grand Road in Jagannatha Puri where Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati appeared in this world.

[ courtesy of HH Bhagavat Maharaja ]


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“В детстве я был совсем глупцом: кто в этом возрасте знает, что такое паломничество к святому месту? В юности, в жажде удовольствий, я трепетал пред теми, кто наслаждались как цари. И вот уж тело дряхло, и органы чувств разрушены, а петля их деятельности все остается затянута на шее в виде привязанностей к вещам этого мира. Увы, как же я далеко от Вриндавана!”

[ Шрила Прабодхананда Сарасвати, Вивека-стакам, стих 6 ]




A Lament

“In childhood I was already a fool; after all, at that age who knows what pilgrimage to a holy place is? In my youth, filled with desire for sense gratification, I stood in awe of those enjoying like kings. Now this body is taken over by decrepitude and although my sense organs are destroyed, the noose of their activities remains tight around my neck in the form of affection for the things of this world. Alas, how far I am from Vrindavan!

[ Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati, Viveka-stakam, verse 6 ]

At the house of Advaita Acarya / В доме Адвайты Ачарйи

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На карттику в доме Адвайты Ачарйи в Шантипуре получил невообразимую милость. Пуджари по своей доброте поместил мне на голову священную шалаграма-шилу, которой Адвайта Ачарйа поклонялся 500 лет тому назад, призывая Господа явиться.



During Kartika, in Santipur, at the house of Advaita Acarya, I received unimaginable mercy. The pujari kindly placed the sacred salagram-sila that Advaita Acarya had worshipped 500 years ago, while appealing to the Lord to appear, on my head.








Wish Fulfilling Trees!



In this album we see up close some of the famous ‘desire trees’ of Sri Vrindavan Dhama. These wish-fulfilling trees grant the desires of the residents of Vrindavan in their services to the Divine Couple. We spent a beautiful morning in such a forest of trees just at the foot of Varsana, the eternal residence of Srimati Radharani. While chanting and dancing there we were able to perceive the spiritual nature of that divine abode and the effect it had on purifying our hearts. The katha we had kept everyone spellbound for hours. We hanker to return there again and again!

The Most Sacred Bath


At the most sacred place in the universe, Radha Kunda, we heard many amazing pastimes about Radha and Krsna. Greatly inspired we then had had kirtan with Bada Haridas and then did parikrama around both Radha Kunda and Syama kunda. It is said that one who bathes in Radha Kunda achieves the same love that Radha has for Krsna and one who bathes in Syama Kunda achieves the same love that Syama ( Krsna ) has for Radha. It was a most remarkable day!

The Desire Trees of Vrindavan / Деревья желаний Вриндавана

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Дорогие ученики, больше часа катхи о Калпа-врикшах, деревьях желаний Вриндавана!

Dear disciples: This is a very interesting lecture on the glories of the Kalpa Vriksa trees in Vrindavan. Over an hour of katha about Desire Trees!

Varsana is the sacred home of Srimati Radharani where she lived with her parents during the early years of Her life. Along with her gopi maidservants Radharani would often traverse the wooded forests of Varsana as she and her friends went to the market to sell their milk products. Sometimes they would meet their beloved Krsna along the way. One of Radharani’s favorite forests still exists to this very day with ancient “desire trees” dotting the landscape. Our parikrama party had the good fortune to visit Varsana and that mystic forest, where we hugged the trees as per tradition and begged one day to become eternal servants of the Divine Couple.




Visit to Durvasa Munis’ ashram / Визит в ашрам Дурвасы Муни



As a part of our Kartik parikrama, we took a beautiful boat ride on the Yamuna to Durvasa Munis’ ashram in Pani Gaon in Vraja. It was a wonderful ashram with a scenic surrounding where Durvasa Muni had performed austerities. Some nice sadhus live there and we absorbed ourselves in amazing kirtan and discussing Krishna Katha.



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Krsna transferred from the prison in Mathura to Gokul overnight. His childhood pastimes there are the delight of every Vrajavasi. We spent a wonderful day in Gokul singing Krsna’s praises, observing the delightful cows in the pastures and tasting delicious milk-sweets offered to the Lord.

Sur das & The Glories of Chandra-Sarovara / Сур Дас и слава Чандра-саровары

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Видео : Чандра-саровара

Дорогие ученики, друзья и доброжелатели, новая лекция “Слава Чандра-саровары” здесь (аудио) :

Мы обсуждали игры Радхи и Кришны, которые проходили на озере под названием Чандра-саровара близ Говардхана, а также славу великого преданного Сур Даса, оставившего нам множество песен и поэм о Божественной Чете. Чистый нектар!



Dear disciples, friends and well-wishers: a new class entitled, “The Glories of Chandra-Sarovara” is available now on:

In the class we discuss the many pastimes of Radha and Krsna that take place at the lake called Chandra-Sarovara near Govardhan Hill, as well as the glories of the great devotee – Sur das – who gave us a number of beautiful poems and songs about the Divine Couple. Pure nectar!



Visit to Vrinda Kunda


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Vrinda Kunda is a favorite place of pilgrimage for all Vrajavasis. Vrinda-devi herself is one of the 5 divine personalities who grant eternal residence in Vrindavan Dhama. Understanding these transcendental realities our parikrama party of nearly 500 devotees relished a day at Vrinda Kunda; hearing, chanting and enjoying each others association.